Swimwear Washing Instructions

by | Jun 14, 2014 | News & Updates

SwimwashSo, you bought a new swimsuit and you love it! You want to keep it looking and fitting great for a long time. The ultimate goal of swimsuit care is to eliminate the chemicals and substances that harm its delicate fibers, including salt water, chlorine, perspiration, oil from skin, sunscreen, suntan lotion, dirt, and sand. The materials that give a suit its vibrant hues and sleek fit are susceptible to deterioration when exposed to the elements. Here are some tips we’ve put together to help you get the most wear and enjoyment out of your favourite swimwear!

– Always wash your bikini or swimsuit after each use. Hand wash is recommended. Place the suit in a sink with cold water and a delicate wash, such as Splash, by Forever New and let it soak for 15 minutes.  Massage the excess soap out of the suit and rinse until the water runs clear. Never wring or twist the swimsuit. Although washing machines are not recommended for women’s bathing suits, you may want to run it through on a gentle cycle in a mesh bag every 4 or 5 wears to ensure that all dirt and particles are out of the suit. Lay flat to dry, never in the dryer.

-If washing is not convenient right away then give the suit a rinse and lay flat on a towel. The longer a suit is exposed to salt and chlorine the more the fabrics can break down. Also, don’t store a wet bathing suit in a plastic bag longer than is necessary.

-Use a mild soap or special swimwear wash in cold water. We suggest, Splash by Forever New! The unique formula neutralizes the chlorine and salt. It also removes sunscreen, body oils and even the chlorine smell while preserving colours and elasticity.

-If at the beach or swimming pool, dry your swimsuit in the shade, never in bright sunlight and do not dry clean, spot clean or use fabric softener.

-Avoid rough surfaces when wearing your swimsuit like concrete and rocks.

-If you’re going on vacation, pack an extra suit to ensure that freshly washed suits have 24 hours to dry properly.

J’adore has a great selection of swimsuits ready for summer! With every purchase of swimwear at regular price, receive a Free bottle of Splash by Forever New!